
Nuzlocke: The Gold Standard Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Roses Are Red, Violets Are… Purple

A Public Service Announcement – A Change in Outfit – Sammy Teaches the New Guy – Carlos Has an Encounter With a Flower – The Monks of Pokemon Battling – Hallowed Training Grounds, Safety Concerns with – 'Limbs are Overrated' – Silver Gets His Grump On – The Mystery of Escape Ropes – A Very Bad Thing Happens

(Author's Note: I should have mentioned this earlier, but I'll say it now - from here on, do NOT look at the chapter description before reading the chapter. It may well contain major spoilers, given that it has the count of dead Pokemon in it. I should really have put this on an earlier chapter, but I'm saying it now. Do not look at the description before the chapter.
And to those of you who just looked to see what the fuss was about… I did warn you. That was your own fault.


'So, what do you think?'

'Hm, yeah, they're much better. Good choice.'

'Heh, thanks,' Mike replied with a smile. 'Honestly, a pair of decent black trousers. Only losers walk around in shorts. And they're so much warmer!'

'Definitely,' Alexander said with a smile as he idly twirled a flower in his Sentret paws. 'Wouldn't want to be following a Trainer who looks like a dweeb, would we?'

'Um, I think it's pretty nice…' the little Caterpie next to him said shyly. 'That is, black's a nice colour…'

'Oh, lighten up, you,' Alexander said with a smile, giving Amy a cheerful shove. 'Don't be so cautious about everything. Now, where'd Sammy and Carlos get to?'

'Hm…' Mike head panned around Violet City, searching in the morning haze of the predominantly purple-coloured city for a green and an, oh yes, purple Pokemon. '…Over there. By the bridge.'

'…So it just flows down the side of the hill and into these sort of ponds.'

'No way! Really?!'

'Yeah!' Sammy said cheerfully as the Zubat hung in the air before him with the atmosphere of one listening to tales of the great wonders of the world from an elder. 'And then we just drink it!'

'Wow! We never had any of that in the cave!'

Sammy smiled. 'Welcome to the outside world, Carlos.'

'There you are!' came a voice as Mike and the other two Pokemon hurried up to them. 'Having fun, you two?'

'Yeah!' the young Zubat squeaked earnestly. 'Sammy's been telling me all about these awesome thing they have in The Outside!'

'Oh, of course, you've never left Dark Cave before, have you?' Mike seemed to remember. 'Well, it's my job to make your trip round Johto as pleasant as possible, and I do not intend to let you down!'

'He gets my vote of approval,' Alexander commented from behind. 'Although he continues to acquire longer clothing at this rate by the last Gym he'll have a full-length trench coat, sleeves that cover his hands and trousers the size of a Rhydon's-'

'Oh my gosh!' The Sentret was stopped in his analogy by Carlos seemingly materializing half an inch in front of his face. 'What's one of those?!'

To Alexander's credit, he shrugged the surprise question off remarkably well. 'Oh, this?' he replied, looking down at the flower in his paw. 'It's just a flower. They grow everywhere. Here.' He held it to Carlos for inspection. The Zubat looked at it for a while, then leant forward and bit one of the petals.

'Er, dude. You smell it.'

Carlos spat the petal fragment out of his mouth. 'It's got no blood in it anyway. But…' He maneuvered his face closer and inhaled. 'Ohhh… Woww… I never smelt anything so good in my life!'

Alexander gave a smile. 'Once more, with feeling, welcome to the outside.'

'It's really nice to see them getting along…' Mike turned his head to see Amy next to him. He felt the urge to bend down and stroke the little Bug, but that would probably only trigger some sort of instant self-defense mechanism. 'Well, he's a welcome member to the team. But now,' he raised his voice theatrically to regain attention, as well as just generally looking and feeling important, 'you know why we're here! We have a Gym to conquer!'

'Yeah!' Sammy and Alexander cheered together. 'Let's go get 'em-'

'But we aren't going now.'

'Awwwwwww, why not?' the two said in unison like a kid who has been denied their new toy.

'You're not strong enough,' Mike said plainly. 'But that's ok, because I'm a Trainer and my job is to train. Let's go and toughen you up!'

'But where would you do that?' Carlos asked with an impressive frown for a creature with no eyes.

Mike smiled and pointed over his shoulder. 'Sprout Tower. Come on, let's go.'


'Good morning to you, child,' the old man in the purple robes said as Mike walked in. 'This is the Sprout Tower, where Sages such as myself train body and mind and meditate in peace and silence.'

Mike frowned. 'What, so there's no Pokemon battles? Geez, forget this.'

The Sage's eye ticked slightly as Mike turned back to the door. 'Did one say… Pokemon battles?'

Mike half-turned back. 'Er, yeah. Why?'

The Sage gave a deep smile. 'Ahohoho… I think the young sir can find plenty to battle in here… For instance…'

With a whip of the hand, the Pokeball tumbled to the floor, where it revealed the form of a Bellsprout.

Mike looked from the Sage to it, to the Sage again. 'What sort of meditation ground is this?'

'I did say we train both mind and body, sir,' the Sage said with a tight little smile. 'Now, when you are ready…'

Mike shrugged. 'Well, I got what I came for. Alexander!'

The Pokeball let out its Sentret resident.


'Here we go!' With a run-up, Alexander launched himself through the air and cannoned into the weed Pokemon.

'Oh my… Use Growth.'

'Hnngh… Hah!' With a tightening of energy, the Bellsprout's body expanded in front of them.

Mike looked wary at this, but Alexander just smiled. 'Heh, bigger targets are easier to hit. Take this!'

There was a leap, then the two went over each other until the Sentret was on top of the prone plant Pokemon.

Alexander dusted himself down. 'You know what they say, the bigger they are the harder they et cetra.'

'Hm, most interesting…' the Sage said as if thinking aloud. 'I imagine my fellow Sages would relish a challenge such as yourself.' He bowed low and swept his arm towards the centre of the tower. 'Simply take the stairs towards them. Perhaps you'll even meet our Elder at the top.'

'Er…' Mike looked up into the rafters. The beam running down the centre of the building may have been several metres thick, but it also seemed to be swaying rather disconcertingly. 'Are you sure this is safe?'

'Please, child, I would not suggest it if it were not. Now, whenever you are ready.'

'Er… ok…' Mike said as he stepped forward, Alexander dashing up behind him. 'Thanks, Mr. Monk.'

There was another eye twitch, this one rather more aggravated. 'I am a Sage.'

'Right. Yeah. Well guys, here we go…'


'Bellsprout! Use Wine Whip!'

'Ahh!' Carlos whipped backwards as he was struck by the leafy strand, but soon recovered. 'Ooh, this really is a good fight! What do I do now?'

'Well, Leech Life worked on the last 40,000 Bellsprouts we encountered,' Mike replied, 'so go ahead.'


(The description of the move Leech Life has been removed in the name of common decency. Let's just say it involved blood sucking, and the Bellsprout collapsed on the ground afterwards.)

'Hm, very good, boy…' the Sage murmured as he returned his fallen Pokemon. 'Well, I suppose I should continue, so go my other Bellsprout!'

'Ooh! I got this one! I got him!-'

'No, Carlos,' Mike said as the stream of red light sucked the Zubat back to his ball. 'Eager as you are, we need to spread the experience around a bit. Amy, you can handle this one.'

The Caterpie looked up as she left her ball. 'Ok, I can do this. Tackle!' With a thud the little Bug flung herself at the weedy Pokemon on the other side, to a decent result.

'Well now, Vine Whip it back.'

The blow lashed at Amy, but she remained firm. 'I can handle Grass moves! Here I come!' There was another thud and the Bellsprout was bowled over.

'Well done!' Mike said with a smile. 'See, I told you I could help you improve!'

'Nice one, Amy!' Alexander added from next to Mike's foot, where he'd been called off to from earlier in the battle. 'You're doing great! You- You're glowing!'

'Um, thanks, Alexander. You look pretty good too.'

'Uh, no,' the Sentret said with a frown, 'you're actually glowing.'

'What?! Oh… I…' the Caterpie looked down at her body as best she could, but then the white light grew to a blinding level. There was the appearance of motion in the light, and then…

'Ohmygosh! You evolved! You actually evolved!' The new Metapod was wrenched upward suddenly as Mike hugged her to his chest. 'One of my Pokemon has actually evolved! I can't believe it! I…'

He slowly became aware that the Sage was looking at him. Slowly, he put the bug back down again.

'Heh, looks like you got there before I did then,' Alexander remarked as he ambled over to Amy's new body and tapped on the side. 'So, what's it like being a second evolution then?'

'Um…' Amy's eyes flickered. 'Well, it feels… different. Um… I can't move my body.'

'Psh, limbs are overrated,' Alexander said with a wave of the hand. 'It's all in the name of making you a beautiful Butterfree, I'm sure.'

'But I'm so… useless…' Amy looked down sadly as she tried again to move her broad bean-shaped body, just making it wobble side-to-side. 'And I look so… ugly…'

Alexander smiled as he leaned in closely. 'You still look pretty to me, babe.'

Amy looked at him for a few seconds, then the colour of her shell just below her eyes turned a darker shade of green and Mike realised she was blushing. 'Um, thank you…'

'No problem. Now, we've got some butt to kick.'


'Ugh… Please say these are the last stairs…' Mike groaned as he finally reached the top floor of the tower. I really don't want to have to do any more…'

'Ah, young one,' the voice of another purple-robed Sage said, 'you came here surprisingly fast. Our man at the door only welcomed you in a matter of minutes ago.'

'Yeah… We should probably invest in some better continuity sections between scenes…'

The Sage's brow furrowed. 'I'm sorry, child?'

Mike frowned. 'I didn't say anything.'

'Ah… Never mind. Must have been my hearing. Anyway, our Elder is just up ahead. Please feel free to go, although I believe he is engaged with another Trainer at the moment.'

Taking this as his cue, Mike wandered forward. He stood his head round a pillar into a seemingly well-lit area.

There could be no mistaking it. It had to be the hair. It was like a dye extracted from exoskeleton of Scizors.

'Geez, I won, so give me the freaking HM already!'

'Ah… young one…' the old man, dressed in the similar purple robes, smiled the grandfather smile of well-meaning to the brattish young as he spoke. 'The way you treat your Pokemon… I cannot help but wonder…'

'Oh, shut it! Why should an old guy who lives on top of a tower and doesn't get outside enough care about my Pokemon!' the red-haired boy shouted angrily. 'I just need them to get me want I'm aiming for! That's all!'

'Ah… But that is an approach that shall only hamper you and your journey…'

'Oh, I'm tired of this,' Silver groaned impatiently. 'I don't have time for losers, and I definitely don't have time for weak Pokemon. I've got what I came for, and now I'm going. I don't have to put up with this.' He turned around and got one step before he saw Mike's head looking at him from around the pillar.

His eyes narrowed. 'Or with you.' With that, he stormed past and down the stairs, which creaked alarmingly.

'Oh, what a shame it is…' Mike heard the Elder say behind him. 'He has the ambition and dreams needed for a Trainer but he simply cannot raise a Pokemon right… I pity him…'

Mike looked back at the Elder. 'If it helps anything, I've beaten him in battle before.'

The Elder's eyes twinkled. 'Aha, more fresh talent, hm? Come now, let's not waste words. Instead, begin.' With that he withdrew a Pokeball from the depths of his robe and opened it with a flash.

Carlos came out to meet the Bellsprout. 'So, boss,' he said cheerfully, 'is it plan as usual?'

'You bet,' Mike replied.

'Ooh, boy. I love The Outside. Ok, here I go!'

(Description filtered)

'My word,' the Elder remarked as the Bellsprout collapsed weakly. 'You may stand a chance against Falkner. Anyway, to continue.' With a flick of the wrist a Hoothoot was produced from a Poke Ball.

'Ok, I think we need the bigger guns out now,' Mike remarked as he returned the Zubat. 'Alexander, you're on it.'

'No problem. Tackle time!'

The little bird had about enough time to squawk before the Sentret slammed into it, bowling it over.

'Hm… Peck.'

'Ah! Man, that smarts!' Alexander winced as the bird jabbed him. 'I'm gonna feel that in the morning… But not half as much as you'll feel THIS!'


'Hoooooooooot!' the Hoothoot squawked as it bounced backwards, eventually coming to a rest on the floor.

'…Very impressive.' The Elder, it seemed, remained unfazed throughout everything. 'Although I shall use my last Bellsprout, I truly feel I am now merely prolonging the battle.'

Alexander grinned. 'Damn right you are. Take THIS!'

'Ah…' The Elder said softly once his Bellsprout had collapsed from Alexander's impact. 'So that is how it is… Very well. I feel you may be one to watch, child,' he took a look down at his stunned Pokemon, 'preferably from a distance. Very well, please take this.'

Mike took the disc and turned it over. 'So what is it?'

'The HM Flash. We only give it to the worthy.'

Strangely reminded of the time when his grandfather had given him a pair of socks for his birthday again, Mike nevertheless pocketed the disc. 'Thank you very much, sir. Now, is there a fire exit or something we could use to get out of here nice and quickly?'

'Most Trainers request this,' the Elder answered, 'although I can't fathom why. It would make more sense to enjoy the sensual atmosphere of meditation here. Anyway, feel free to use one of our Escape Ropes.'

Mike took the coil of rope in his hands. 'How does this work? I mean, the whole point is that you lay out the rope as you walk throughout, don't you? And I thought that only worked when you went downwards into a cave, not up.' He threw his hands up, making the end of the robe dance in the air. 'This is ridiculous, I can't possibly use this, it's all a big-'


'Umph… My head…'

Mike put a hand out to steady himself, and realised he was leaning on the doorframe at the entrance to Sprout Tower. After looking it up and down and knocking on it a few times, just to see if it was actually for real, he sighed and shook his head. 'Wow. Those monks really know some good tricks.'

Now, he thought, I've got the HM for Flash, I've got all my team members, so…

Let's get my permission to use it.

With a confident stride he marched over to the Pokemon Gym and kicked the door so it swung wide open. 'Hey, Gym people! I am here to challenge you and I shall not leave without my woaaahhhh!'

The fresh wind that seemed to spring out of the abyss on either sides of the path left Mike gasping for breath. If you were to take one false move off either side, there'd be no knowing where or when you'd land.

'Yeah, most people react like that,' Mike heard a voice say and looked to see the Gym's door attendant at the entrance of the door, sporting a rather pointless pair of sunglasses. 'The Trainers that work here get used to it. The height really simulates the feeling of flying, doesn't it?'

'Uh… yeah…' Mike managed, in between outbursts of 'Have you never considered that people might die in here?!' that never made it to his lips. 'Um… right… So, uh, do I just go to the back and battle Falkner?'

'Yep. And there're some Trainers in your way, of course, but a strapping lad like you should have no problem. Call me Clyde, by the way.'

Ok… Thanks… Anyway…' Mike stepped past the doorkeeper, who gave a casual salute with a smile, and tried to regain his former eagerness. There was only one path to go down, so sooner or later…

'Hey! You there!'

Aha. The first of the Gym's Trainers was striding over to him purposefully.

'Hey you! You can't just walk up to Falkner, you know! You gotta prove yourself! And I'm up first!'

'Well, ok then… Ready when you are,' Mike replied, forcing the most confident look he could muster above a huge drop of unknown depth into the chasm below. Sammy and Amy would be useless in a Flying-type Gym, so that left two others…

'Ok Carlos, let's see what you can do,' he called as he produced the Zubat from a Poke Ball. The cheerful eager smile was on its face in an instant. 'Ooh, wow, where's this? This is exciting!'

'This is a Pokemon Gym, Carlos,' Mike explained happily. 'This is the first step towards us becoming Champions, and I have a good feeling that we'll-'

'Too slow.' Carlos was battered aside with a cry as the Spearow shot past, a mean look in its eyes. The little Zubat was blown away, and when he flew back was not looking as prime as he was a few seconds ago. 'Mike, help! What do I do now?!'

'Um… I don't know! Crud, you've only got a couple of moves! Use Supersonic!'

Carlos opened his mouth up wide, but the Spearow simply performed an aerial loop so that the concentrated sound waves passed ahead of it. 'Pathetic. Now, to discipline your mistakes. Take this!'

'Ahhhhhh!' Carlos squealed as the Spearow's beak battered into his head. 'Owww! Make it stop! Make it stop!'

'Carlos!' Mike called, desperately reaching out to try and help the poor Zubat. Unfortunately not only did he completely miss the two airborne targets but the motion was also timed perfectly so his beloved hat went sailing straight off his head and, with perfect accuracy, started to coast into the abyss.

'No!' he shouted, and leapt for it. But it was too late, and he could only watch as he lay on his chest hanging over the edge as his bright golden cap leisurely descended into the depths below him.

As he lay there staring down as if he could draw it up with his eyes he became aware of things going on behind him. Voices.

The voice of Alexander. 'How dare you! How dare you!'

An almighty thump, and the cry of the Spearow. 'Awwwwwk!'

'He had so much to offer us! How dare you!'

Carefully, Mike moved himself back round again.


'You little!' There was another thumping noise, and this time the Spearow didn't cry out. 'I have no sympathy for people who would do that sort of thing!' Alexander's voice of righteous fury echoed off the walls of the Gym.

Mike maneuvered over the ground to where the Zubat lay on the floor. 'Carlos, please…'

The Zubat's non-existent eyes looked weakly up at him as he gave a faint smile. 'The Outside was really pretty,' his fading voice said. 'There were lots of nice people in it.'

'No, Carlos, please,' Mike begged against the unchangeable. 'Please, no…'

The Zubat's head fell back weakly on top of his beaten wings. 'I'm so glad I got to go there…'

'Please, Carlos, hold on, I can get you help…'

But there was no help. And all Mike could do was stare as Carlos finally stopped moving, not noticing the other Trainer came to give him his prize money, not noticing when Alexander came up to him and hugged his arm, just carefully cradling the still Zubat in case it might break, again.

'We… we need to get stronger…' Mike's voice caught in his throat. 'We need to… To succeed. So this… sort of thing isn't in waste. We can't fail them now.'

I'm so sorry… Carlos…
Pokemon: 4
Badges: 0
Deaths: 1

RIP Carlos: Lv 4-9

So yeah, this is the latest chapter of my Nuzlocke. Hope you like it, and that you can now see why you don't read the description before the chapter with this series. Spoilers and all that.

I'm also going to start giving recommendations for other Nuzlocke runs, because if you like this you might like those too. First one: Nyapapa Ch. 1:…


I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Gold.
© 2012 - 2024 Man-in-crowd-4
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Devilofdarkness2's avatar
So, I just read all of the chapters for this and have to say I love it so far! Your story is very funny and Mike and his little friends are very endearing. I can't wait to see what's in store for the team.
As for this chapter...poor Carlos, he was so young and just experiencing the world! At least Alexander taught that jerk Spearow a lesson!
But, yes, Mike, grind more! Grind like there's no tomorrow!
Thanks for such a treat of a story and can't wait to see the next chapter ^-^